MWS Wire /
100% Open and Delivering On-Time
To our valued customers, While so many people and industries have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 crisis, MWS has kept its facility running as an essential business. With the unsurpassed dedication of our employees, we have been able to deliver on our promises and keep vital supply chains running for our customers. This includes…
This Wire Could Save Your Life
Thank you for all the well wishes and concern during the Westlake fires. In the midst of all this devastation, we feel truly fortunate that our buildings, staff, and staff’s families are all safe. MWS thanks all the brave firefighters and members of law enforcement who have worked tirelessly to protect our community and those…
MWS High Performance Wire
Introducing MWS High Performance Wire MWS High Performance Wire (HPW) products are copper alloy conductors specifically designed for applications with high mechanical stress that also require high conductivity. Through improved characteristics of the wire, lifespan and reliability under dynamic load are increased. MWS offers High Performance Wire in Extra (XHTW) and Extreme (EHTW) tensile strength…