MWS Wire / Medical / Thermocouple Wire Medical

Thermocouple Wire

MWS Specializes in Medical Grade Thermocouple Wire

Medical grade Thermocouple (TC) wire is used in the treatment of tachycardia and atrial fibrillation where there is a need for measurement of tissue temperature at the ablation site. Our high-quality wire provides precise and accurate measurement of delivered energy and tissue temperature during radio-frequency ablation of cardia arrhythmias.

MWS Medical – Thermocouple – Twistite
thermocouple tubing n wire

Thermocouple Wire and its Applications

A thermocouple wire is a sensor used for determining temperature. It consists of diverse metals joined at the ends in a single connecting point. When the temperature of one end differs from the other, the connecting points generate electricity.

Type T Thermocouple Wire

Common Thermocouple wire types include Type T (Oxygen Free Copper and Constantan) and Type K (Nickel Chromium and Nickel Aluminum). These wires are individually insulated and made as parallel bonded or twisted pairs.

The Seebeck Effect, Peltier Effect and Thompson Effect

The term “thermoelectric effect” encompasses three separately identified effects: the Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, and Thomson effect. The Seebeck and Peltier effects are different manifestations of the same physical process; textbooks may refer to this process as the Peltier–Seebeck effect (the separation derives from the independent discoveries of French physicist Jean Charles Athanase Peltier and Baltic German physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck). The Thomson effect is an extension of the Peltier–Seebeck model and is credited to Scottish born Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin.

Temperature Measurement

Thermocouples, used in industry and medical engineering, utilize the Seebeck effect. Two different electrical conductors (legs) are connected to a circuit. If the junctions of the two different conductors have two different temperatures levels, a thermoelectric voltage is generated. The voltage can be converted for temperature measurement purposes.

temperature measurement main
Doctors doing vein surgery procedure

Thermocouple Wire Custom Produced by MWS

MWS produces medical grade micro thermocouple wire for medical applications per customer specifications. Specialized constructions using a variety of conductor and insulation options are available.

Insulations may be polyimide, polyurethane, or polyurethane nylon and made with contrasting colors for ease in identification. Other films of insulations can be used as well

  • Available in sizes 36-48 AWG
  • May be made as parallel bonded or twisted wire constructions
  • May have two or more legs
  • Variety of fil insulation including polyimide in colors red, green, black and natural

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Medical Grade Thermocouple Wire

Medical grade thermocouple (TC or T/C Twist Wire) wires are used in treatment of tachycardia and atrial fibrillation where there is a need for measurement of tissue temperature at the ablation site. Our high quality wire provides precise and accurate measurement of delivered energy and tissue temperature during radiofrequency ablation of cardiac arrhythmias.

  • Available in sizes 36 to 48 AWG
  • May be made as parallel bonded or twisted wire constructions
  • May have two or more legs
  • Variety of film insulations including polyimide in colors red, green, black, and natural
thermocouple wire cropped

TypePositive LeadNegative LeadComments
ENickel-ChromiumConstantanHighest sensitivity; best for temperatures down to 40 K
TOFHC CopperConstantanLow temperature and cryogenic applications; good where moisture is present
KNickel-ChromiumNickel-AluminumLargest temperature range; recommended for use in inert atmosphere